
Self Love Piñata 2013

Gray Matters.


My ongoing series, Gray Matters, explores the range and bounds of the black and white binary. The space between two polarites provides room for movement and opportunity, a gray area of uninhibited expression. Gray Matters is a series of pure vulnerability and a visual representation of the psyche’s fundamental building blocks.

Self Love Piñata 2013

Out of This World.

Out of This World comes from the desire to explore new insights of others any my surroudings. To accomplish the use of smoke represents letting go of detachment relinquishing control to obtain a new and fresh persepective. In this series I present imaginary landscapes to explore.

Out of This World.

Out of This World is a series based on the desire to reflect the vivid ecosystem of the psyche- each piece its own dreamscape. The surrealist technique “fumage” is employed as an exercise in detachment, wrecking carnage on all that is necessary in lighting the path to insight and development. 




Self Love Piñata 2013
Over-Walked Labyrinth VIII

The Over-walked Labyrinth.

The Over Walked Labyrinth is a series is exerciseising self awareness and self deception. Bound by rituals and routines, rebirth is achieved through a discerning eye. Each painting; a redundant labyrinth of the beaten path, and each brushstroke; a guided map


Self Love Piñata 2013

Breaking The Piñata.

In Breaking The Piñata I share suprises and experiences I have come across from personal evolution. By breaking molds or versions of ourselves that have become obsolete, it encourages reinvention.

Breaking The Piñata.

Breaking the Piñata shares reflections from my personal evolution through identity. Biomorphic explosions of color encourage demolition and new construction.



Self Love Piñata 2013

Metamorphosis.  (2011-2015)

Metamorphosis comes from the desire to explore the inner workings of emotions, their attached words, and their projections. Abstract expressionist landscapes where the subconscious is handed over to automatism.


Encountering The Portal.  (2006-2010)

Through the practice of meditaiton I begin to take emotions, feelings and ideas to greater depths in order to better understand their influence in the linear way of thinking and living. In each painting, the presence of the portal provides an opportunity to enter it and explore various versions and the effect of such given emotion, feeling or idea.

Encountering The Portal.  (2006-2010)

Through the practice of meditation I take emotions, feelings and ideas to greater depths in order to better understand their influence. In each painting, the presence of portals provides opportunityies to be enveloped and explore various realities, and their given esoteric effects.



Broken Mirrors.  (2001-2006)

Broken Mirrors is an exercise in the action of standing in front of a broken mirror to explore the multidimensionality of the self by deconstructing the present image through observation and meditation.